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配资网络配资炒股 8月2日基金净值:建信睿丰纯债定期开放债券最新净值1.0592,涨0.03%

  • 发布日期:2024-08-30 23:00    点击次数:99
  • 配资网络配资炒股 8月2日基金净值:建信睿丰纯债定期开放债券最新净值1.0592,涨0.03%

    For the first time in four years, Apple was pushed out of the top five smartphone shippers, according to data for the second quarter of the year from the International Data Corporation (IDC). The global market intelligence firm estimated the overall smartphone shipments in China that quarter grew 8.9% year-over-year (YoY) to 71.6 million units, driven by the Chinese original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), particularly Huawei, vivo and Xiaomi. As the biggest contributors to the increased momentum in the second quater, these three companies each delivered large double-digit growth of shipments. Apple thus was ranked the 6thas local players once again to dominate the top 5 position.







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